1 CaseFIR No.357/12 dated 11/12/12 U/S 436, 34 IPC has been registered in P.S. Balh on the complaint of Sh.Gangadhar S/O Sh. Beli Ram R/O Serla Khbau P.O.Thinagalu Tehsil sadar Dsitt. Mandi that on 10/12/12 at about 9:45 PM Jagdish Chand S/O Sh. Dhari Ram , Dinesh Kumar S/OSh. Dhari Ram and Panna Ram S/O Sh. Jai Karan all the resident of same locality has been flammed the fire her old house.ASI om Parkash I/C of P.P. Rewalsar is investigating the case.
2 CaseFIR No. 326/12 dated 11/12/12 U/S 279,337 IPC has been registered in P.S.Sadar on the complaint of Sh. Gourve S/O Sh. Jeet R/O Kathala P.O. Rodi Tehsil Kosoli Distt. Solan (HP) on today i.e.11/12/12 at about 10:45 AM when he was present at Baranu in mean time Alto Car No.(HP33-7751) collide with Truck No.(HP15-4535). This accident occurred due to the rash and negligent driving of the driver of above said car namely Nitant Sabharwal. HC Sanjeev Kumar No.69 I/O of High Way patrol is investigating the case.
3 Case FIR No. 138/12 dated 10/12/12 U/S 302IPC has been registered in P.S.Gohar on the complaint of Sh. Ganga Ram S/O of Sh. Khub Ram R/O Abahadhar P.O. Gohar Tehsil Chachiot Distt. Mandi that his son Jagat Bandhu deceased found dead on 19-20/11/12 at near by Khoyad and killed by some unknown person .Inspector Bishan Dass SIU Mandi is investigating the case .
4 88 challan were issued and fine of Rs. 8400-/- was recovered under MV Act and 7 challan were issued and fine of Rs.700 -/- recovered under COTPA during last 24 hours.
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