1. Case FIR No. 93/12 dated 22/09/12 U/S 279,337 IPC has been registered in P.S. Padhar on the complaint of Sh. Hoshiar Singh S/O Sh. Sher Singh R/O Jhalehar PO Kufri Tehsil Padhar Distt. Mandi that on 22/09/12 he was travelling by HRTC bus (HP65-7558) and when said bus reached near Chaura More, suddenly door of said bus was opened at once and left hand of one person namely Ghamanda Ram was fractured due to negligence of driver and conductor of above mentioned bus. HC Raj Kumar No. 49 I.O. of P.S. Padhar is investigating the case.
2. Case FIR No. 94/12 dated 22/09/12 U/S 341,323,504,34 IPC has been registered in P.S. Padhar on the complaint of Sh. Ganga Ram S/O Sh. Sauju Ram R/O Vill. Choa (Paplahan) PO Chukku Tehsil Padhar Distt. Mandi that on 22/09/12 when he reached at Nichla Choa he saw that Khem Singh S/O Sh. Jhagru Ram and his wife were beating to Sh. Mohan Singh S/O Sh. Lakhu Ram and he sustained injuries. HC Anil Kumar No. 412 I.O. of P.S. Padhar is investigating the case.
3. Case FIR No. 155/12 dated 23/09/12 U/S 342,325,323,34 IPC has been registered in P.S. Karsog on the written complaint of Sh. Mehar Dass S/O Sh. Baria Ram R/O Dhar PO Nag Jubad Tehsil Thiog Distt. Shimla that on 03/09/12 he went to Karsog along with his brother Tek Chand to attend the Court of Ld. Addl. Session Judge, Mandi camp at Karsog and after attending the Ld. Court Hira Lal S/O Tulsi Ram R/O Batal Behali who accompanied them in jail when they were on judicial remand accommodated them in his home and during the night Hira Lal and his father Tulsi Ram beat up both of them. He ran away there but they confined his younger bother Tek Chand inside the room and beat him up brutally. HC Ranjeet Singh No. 71 I.O. of P.S. Karsog is investigating the case.
4. Case FIR No. 255/12 dated 22/09/12 U/S 380 IPC has been registered in P.S. Sadar Mandi on the complaint of Sh. Bharat Gupta S/O Sh. Krishan Kumar C/O Sh. Krishan Kumar Mahajan Bazaar Mandi that on 21/09/12 between 06.30 PM to 06.45 PM some unknown person stole away a cash of worth Rs. 15000/- from his shop situated at Mahajan Bazaar Mandi. HC Nand Lal No. 892 I.O. of P.P. City Mandi is investigating the case.
5. 131 challans were issued and fine of Rs. 31, 400/- was recovered under M.V. Act, 42 challans were issued under COTPA and fine of Rs. 4600/- and 3 challans were issued under Mining Act and fine of Rs. 6600/- was also imposed in two challans by the Mining Department during last 24 hours.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
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